Day 2

This day we spent in Yosemite Valley and the Village. It was very hot and we were glad to be able to cool off in the movie theater at the visitor center.

Denne dag tilbragte vi i dalen og i landsbyen. Det var meget varmt og vi var glade for at kunne køle af i biografen i informationscenteret.


Pano Src

At Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite

At Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite

Looking up at the wall of rocks

A view from Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Valley

The visitor center where they have the only air-conditioned room in the valley

Looking up

Elke walking back to the car from a photo spot

Yikes, what enormous rocks there are!


We ate at a mexican restaurant while they were unloading their Costco "loot" from the truck

Elke enjoying the dinner

Elke at the restaurant

The restaurant interior. The portions were enormous.

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Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)